Francis Tandoh
Bishop Francis Tandoh is the Founder & Head Pastor of All Nations Praise Ministries. He was born in the Ashanti region of Ghana and raised in the Roman Catholic Church. Bishop’s surrender to Jesus began one Sunday in 1982 while visiting his cousin’s church. While he was there listening to the sermon, the Pastor made a statement saying, “anyone with gray hair will not enter into the Kingdom of God.” As a young man struggling with his walk with God, this statement troubled Bishop and he began to search for the truth in it. In his quest for an answer, he came across a leader in the Methodist Church who advised him to read the book of John. As Bishop read the book of John, his eyes were opened to understand Jesus’ sacrifice to save mankind. This event drew him closer to God, and on July 15, 1982, he officially gave his life to Christ.
After giving his life to Christ, God used Bishop Francis in many ways. One day Bishop had been doing house and bus evangelism when the Holy Spirit spoke to him, telling him to go to Accra and minister to a complete stranger. With no money for the bus, he walked the 12 miles to Accra and when he arrived, the Lord directed him to a building where he found an elderly man and his family. Bishop sat down with the family and spoke to them about the good news of Christ. After hearing the word of God, the family gave their lives to Christ and accepted Him as their Lord and personal Savior. The old man passed during Bishop’s visit shortly after accepting Jesus. The man was saved and died a born again Christian because Bishop obeyed the direction of God.
Bishop Francis’s work with God eventually led him to the United States where he joined The Church of The Living God. He then served as a driver and children’s service teacher for 10 years. After his time there, the Lord moved him to help at another church, New Life Baptist. At that church, Bishop was appointed as a deacon and stayed there for 3 years. After serving and working in many different ministries, the Lord called Bishop Francis and his wife Apostle Rita Tandoh to establish their own church. In 2004 All Nations Praise Ministries was founded.